Phenoxyethanol, Ethylhexylglycerin,
Salicylic Acid
Entérate de las novedades en cosmética de última generación.
60ml / 2.02 fl. oz
Formulated for the dermatological treatment of fine lines, wrinkles and dermal furrows. It helps to alleviate the signs of aging, due to its specific concentration of acid. It is perfect for a continuous renewal of the epidermis with a gentle peeling in a cyclical 100% safe and effective way.
Skin-friendly ingredients of
natural origin:
Alcohol, Glycerin, Vitamin F,
Propylene Glycol
Salicylic Acid
Additional ingredients to ensure the stability and safety of the formula:
Phenoxyethanol, Ethylhexylglycerin,
Salicylic Acid
Premature Aging
Several factors cause facial aging. Whether they are hereditary, environmental, physiological changes or even due to the very nature of the skin, these factors make the appearance of wrinkles or expression lines inevitable after the age of 30.
In addition, there are other physical factors that we perform unconsciously, such as expressions, frowning, the position in which we sleep, etc. that cause a contraction of the facial muscles, eventually generating wrinkles or unwanted expression lines. A correct exfoliation of dead cells is essential to enhance cell renewal and reduce the appearance of fine lines on the skin.
Peeling treatments are capable of restoring youth to your face. They remove impurities from the skin, from fine wrinkles to the most pronounced furrows. Mature skin undergoes a process of deterioration of the cellular capacity to carry out its maintenance and protection functions of the dermis. Thus, it is necessary to increase the renewal process and create new fully functional cells.
A constant renewal, with a gentle treatment on a regular basis, is key to improving the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and furrows that are generated in the dermis constantly over time.
For a muscle to contract, it needs to connect a neuron with muscle fibers. The union of a neuron with muscle fibers is called a motor unit or motor endplate. The muscle tissue that stimulates the neuron is called a motor neuron, and the neuromuscular union refers to the terminal axon of a motor neuron with the motor plate in the muscle. The axon contains many membrane-bound vesicles called synaptic vesicles.
For a muscle contraction, there must be a stimulation of the motor neuron that sends the signal and connects with the muscle fibers. ACh is then released into the vesicles. The process is regulated by the SNARE complex made up of three different proteins. ACh binds to the muscle fiber where AChRs are located and causes a series of changes that will ultimately involve the contraction of a muscle.
Muscle contractions are necessary for the mobility and proper functioning of our body, but if they involve an excess in their number and time, the skin will eventually generate expression wrinkles and easy lines, the two main causes of the loss of youthful appearance on the face.
The importance of knowing how this extracellular communication process develops lies in the ability of professionals to directly influence to reduce the adverse effects it has on the facial skin.
AGEPEEL is a biochemical peel developed by professionals that increases the regenerative capacity of the skin. It enhances hydration in the skin, increases the efficiency of regenerative cells in the cell maintenance process that proliferate giving rise to new fully functional cells, and achieves a more youthful skin.